Cheer on your Red Raider Softball Team by pledging your support today! This season, Red Raider Nation can support all Texas Tech student-athletes and the Red Raider Club every time your Red Raider Softball team hits a home run and/or earns a strikeout against an opponent!
This exciting donation option will allow you to pledge $1, $3, or $5 every time TTU Softball hits a home run and/or to pledge $1, $5, or $10 per strikeout earned each month. You also have the option to set a different amount of your choosing.
Here’s how it works:
1. Select one or both categories and set your amount.
2. Texas Tech Softball hits a home run or earns a strikeout.
3. At the end of each month, the home runs and strikeouts from that month will be tallied and your pledge will be processed.
4. The RRC will send an email at the end of each month to let you know how many home runs/strikeouts the team had that month.
*Gifts to the RRC Excellence Fund are 100% tax deductible, count towards drive year 2025 membership, and will earn you 5 points per $100.